Summer interview

Fish, Seafood & the Ocean: Investing in the Blue Economy - Marco Berweger in the Summer Interview

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." This sentence is attributed to Confucius - and is one of the favourite quotes of Marco Berweger, Managing Director of Bonafide Wealth Management AG. Stock market moderator Andreas Franik met the financial professional from Liechtenstein in beautiful Aschau am Inn at Peter Rieder Vermögen AG for a summer interview. The topic was "Investing in the Blue Economy" along the value chain around fish, seafood and the ocean.

A few key facts: Fish is one of the most traded segments of the world food sector. In 2020, 60 million tonnes, or 34% of total fisheries and aquaculture production, were traded internationally. Globally, per capita consumption of fish continues to rise, from 9.9 kg per year in the 1960s to more than 20 kg in 2020. Total consumption of edible fish climbed at an average annual rate of 3.0% from 1961 to 2019 - a rate almost double the annual growth of the world's population (1.6%) over the same period and higher than any other animal protein food. While demand is steadily increasing, the supply of fish protein is limited. Aquaculture is expected to fill the supply gap. #BlueRevolution


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