

Bonafide has set itself the goal of harnessing the enormous potential of the oceans as part of the Blue Revolution.

For investors, this means that by investing in our funds, they are contributing to

  • SDG 12, efficient protein production
  • SDG 14, the prevention of overfishing
  • SDG 3, a healthy diet

Sustainability process

The topic of sustainability is explicitly addressed at four points in our investment process. Starting with our thematic focus on the fish & seafood sector, through the use of essential exclusion criteria and ESG ratings, to the follow-up treatment of the invested companies by means of engagements and the associated exercise of voting rights, the topic enjoys a high priority at Bonafide.


For a green future instead of a green conscience, we invest in transition companies and work with them towards a medium-term increase in selected key figures.


With over 10 years of experience, we offer an extensive network with intensive partnerships in the areas of sustainability and seafood.

One of our most important partners is the German sustainability label FNG, which rates our funds with the highest possible sustainability award.

Sustainability-related disclosure

As an Article 8+ fund, we not only market the sustainability characteristics of our funds, but also take into account the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors.


You can find out all about sustainability and seafood via our webinars, quarterly newsletters or blog posts.

Early adopters of the blue revolution

Find out more about sustainability at Bonafide